среда, 23 мая 2012 г.

Escuela de Artes Orientales y Sabiduría Iniciática Ancestral

Escuela de Artes Orientales y Sabiduría Iniciática Ancestral

La reflexología, reflexoterapia o terapia zonal es la práctica de estimular puntos sobre los pies, manos, nariz u orejas (llamados «zonas de reflejo»), basada en la creencia pseudocientífica de que ese masaje tendría un efecto benéfico en un órgano situado en otro lugar del cuerpo. Se denominan «elementos reflejos» o «zonas de reflejo» a todas […]

También se le llama “El Arte de la Felicidad” o bien “El Arte de la Longevidad”. El Jin Shin Jyutsu es una técnica japonesa para equilibrar y calmar el cuerpo en poco tiempo. Basta con sujetar cada dedo durante unos minutos. Primero una mano y luego la otra. Con 5 o 10 minutos es suficiente, […]

Al tratar de explicar cómo los niños pueden utilizar las artes marciales para ganar confianza en si mismos es importante entender que las artes no son lo que se ve en televisión. La formación en artes marciales está basada en la no violencia. Hay muchas formas diferentes de artes marciales, pero salvando las diferencias, todas […]

(NaturalNews) El Taijiquan, conocido también como Tai Chi Chuan, es un arte marcial chino tradicional que ha sido practicado en Asia por muchos años. Hoy, este arte marcial está difundido por todo el mundo, y se practica más para preservar la salud y mejorar la longevidad que por sus cualidades marciales. Por ahora muchas personas […]

Los 3 tesoros o San Bao es una antiquisima forma didáctica de la cultura China para entender nuestra compleja naturaleza y su equilibrio tan frágil. Estando en equilibrio estos tres tesoros hay salud, plenitud y vida. En desequilibrio cualquiera de los tres afecta a los otros dos. La medicina China influenciada por el Taoísmo, nos […]

Original article and pictures take www.jingchishen.org site

среда, 16 мая 2012 г.

Eliminate Pain With Qi Gong

Eliminate Pain With Qi Gong

In this 3-minute video, internationally celebrated Qi Gong master, Lee Holden, shares how the practice of Qi Gong can restore balance and movement to the body.

He also reveals an easy exercise that anyone can do, to reduce headaches, back pain, and more.

In traditional Eastern medicine, pain and other ailments are said to be caused by disruptions and imbalances in the movement and patterns of the body’s dynamic life energy

Original article and pictures take www.corespirit.com site

четверг, 10 мая 2012 г.

Easing the Pain of Fibromyalgia Naturally

Easing the Pain of Fibromyalgia Naturally
  • Fibromyalgia and You

    1 / 9 Fibromyalgia and You

    If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, no one needs to tell you about the almost daily widespread muscle pain you live with, along with constant fatigue, sleeplessness, fibro fog, and low-grade depression.

    The chronic muscle pain of fibromyalgia affects about 1 in 50 Americans — mostly women. Because there is no cure for fibromyalgia and the cause is not understood, the quest to find the best fibromyalgia pain relief is ongoing.

    Research shows fibromyalgia may start as young as childhood or the teenage years, particularly in adolescent girls, and it gradually worsens with age. Some findings show that because of the common symptoms, fibromyalgia may be misdiagnosed in mature adults, who often view the mysterious pain in their bodies as just another sign of getting older. Fibromyalgia is not a sign of aging.

    Though it's a commonly underdiagnosed syndrome, fibromyalgia is the most common arthritis-related disease next to osteoarthritis, the wear-and-tear arthritis. Fibromyalgia syndrome is characterized by the following:

    • Concentration problems (fibro fog)
    • Decreased pain threshold on trigger points
    • Higher levels of stress and anxiety
    • Incapacitating fatigue
    • Increased sensitivities to stimuli in the environment
    • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    • Low mood
    • Tension headaches and migraines
    • TMJ disorder
    • Widespread pain

    Women are 10 times more likely to get fibromyalgia than men. And there is no specific laboratory test or abnormal X-ray finding that leads to diagnosis.

    Researchers believe fibromyalgia may be related to the following:

    • Elevated substance P levels, which produce higher levels of pain
    • Genetic predisposition (clusters in families)
    • Hormones
    • Hypersensitivity to pain
    • Malfunction of pain processing in the spinal cord
    • Nervous system trauma
    • Overweight or obesity
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Stress

    Additionally, some research indicates that fibromyalgia pain may be the result of lower levels of serotonin, a brain chemical that sends messages from one brain cell to another. Lower levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin are linked to poor sleep and a lower pain threshold.

    The good news is that the different symptoms of fibromyalgia can be managed. Many people find natural remedies for fibromyalgia helpful: About 90 percent of those with fibromyalgia have tried some form of them. There is a growing body of research in support of many nonpharmacologic therapies such as the ones listed below, and many have been shown to be safe. More research is needed though to confirm for which populations it is effective in. Talk to your doctor about what might be most appropriate for you.

  • Original article and pictures take images.agoramedia.com site