вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.

Ayurveda Concept Of Rasayan Therapy

Ayurveda Concept Of Rasayan Therapy

Rasayan, a Sanskrit word (with literal meaning: Path (ayana) of the Juice (rasa), or Elixir vitae), is used to describe chemistry and alchemy, and chemistry is generally called Rasayan Shastra in Sanskrit,Nepali, Marathi, Hindi, Kannada and several other languages. Ancient rasayan texts center around the use of prepared forms of mercury (see samskaras), as do occidental alchemical texts. However, there is also ample mention of the preparation of medical tinctures in the ancient science of rasayan; rasayan is in fact a part of Ayurveda.

Concept of Rasayana Therapy

Rasayana Tantra is one of the eight major divisions of Astang Ayurveda. In Ayurveda, one of the major methods of presentation of positive health has been described i.e. Rasayana.

Sushruta has defined a healthy man as one who has:-

• Equilibrium of the Doshas Sama dosha.

• Normal functioning of Agni Sama Agni

• Normal condition of 7 Dhatus Sam Dhatu

• Normal Excretion of waste products Sam Malkriya.

Beside this Atma (Soul), the Indriyas or sense organs and Mana or mind should be happy and cheerful Prasanatamendriya Mana (Su.Su.15/15). The current modern definition of health is also same “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of disease. (W.H.O.)

Healthy state of mind and body can be achieved by Rasayana Therapy or Rejuvenation Therapy

Rasayana Stands as an answer to solve the problem of healthful longevity including mental development and resistance against disease. That is why; Rasayanatherapy has been included as one of the eight major divisions of Ashtang Ayurveda. Rasayana Chikitsa or rejuvenation therapy helps to promote and preserve health and longevity in the healthy, and to Cure disease in sick. We all want to look forever young and increase our life span by staying healthy, Rasayans or vitalizers, as they are called, do exactly the same. They replenish the vital fluids of our body, thus keeping us away from diseases. Rasayana refers to the nutrition and its transportation in the body. Such a state of improved nutrition is claimed to lead to a series of secondary attributes like longevity, immunity against diseases, mental competence and delaying of aging.

Rasayana is actually that which increases the essence of each Dhatu, starting from Rasa. Taking Rasayana is helpful to increase the immunity of person to keep him away from diseases. The person become healthy and strong .Literally the term Rasayana refers to the means of obtaining the optimum nourishment to the Dhatu.

Meaning of Rasayana

The word Rasayana is composed of two words Ras + Ayan. The means by which one gets the excellence of Rasa (The nourishing fluid which is produced immediately after digestion) is known as Rasayana. Apart from the excellence of Rasa, the individual is endowed with Psychic excellence like sharp memory, by virtue of rejuvenation therapy. The term Rasayana connotes a specific meaning. Drugs, diet and regimens which promote longevity by delaying aging and preventing diseases are called Rasayana. The term Rasa has different connotation. In the present context, it means the body fluid which is responsible for nourishment of entire physique. Impairment of circulation of this body fluid results in diseases and decay. This body fluid of good quality should not only be present in adequate quantity, but also it should be able to permeate (circulate) throughout the various cells of the body to provide the type of nourishment they need.

Rasayana is a specialized type of treatment influencing the fundamental aspect of body viz. Dhatus, Agni and Srotansi and ojus etc. Rasayana Chikitsa boosts theojus and immune system. The adjective Ojaswiis used to describe those people who keep good health in all seasons and all stages of life. It is like obtaining a high rank in a physical or mental fitness. Ojus gives a bright look, sharp memory, high performance and every expected pleasure.

Historic Consideration of Rasayana

Rasayana therapy is as old as the Vedas because many references on Rasayana therapy are available in the Atharva Veda (atharvaveda 8/7/4). Extensive descriptions of divine Rasayana agents like Soma are available in classics. References about Achara Rasayna and Sadvrita are also available in the vedic texts similar to Charakadescription (Rig-Veda 5/1/7 and Atharvaveda 16/2/2)

Besides extensive references is available regarding the superiority of certain other common Rasayana drugs like Pippali, Jivanti and Punarnava etc. Similarly a concept of Ajasrika Rasayana also appears in vedic literature.

Vedas have seriously considered the problems of aging and its delaying. It has been the cherished wish of human race to achieve long life and to live at least 100 years in perfect health. “Jivema Sharadah Shatam” (Rigveda 10/39/8).

Probably all these ideas at a later stage necessitated the development of a full-fledged clinical discipline like Rasayana therapy to deal with the problem of aging, its delaying.

Original article and pictures take www.corespirit.com site

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