Herbs help in toning and strengthening the body systems. Like all the other therapies, it is necessary for you to understand its significance and you must consult your health care provider about this. You may use herbs like tinctures (alcohol extracts), dried extracts (capsules, powders, teas) and glycerites (glycerine extracts).
- American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) helps in improving the flow of blood to the brain. You should be cautious while consuming this drug, if you are suffering from high blood pressure.
- Studies have revealed that lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) helps in improving the mental functioning in people who are in the mid stages of Alzheimer's. It may act as a mild sedative for relieving the pain.
- Bacopa also known as Brahmi is used in Ayurveda for improving the functioning of the brain and facilitate learning. Bacopa should not be consumed by people who are suffering from intestinal problems, emphysema and stomach ulcers.
- Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has been significantly effective in treating Alzheimer's disease in the early stages. It is also known for treating vascular dementia. This herb will require a prescription from your doctor if you are already taking blood thinning medications like clopidogrel (Plavix), aspirin and warfarin (Coumadin).
- Huperzine A, a chemical made from the plant Huperziaserrata, will help in improving memory in cases of vascular as well as dementia that is associated with Alzheimer's. This herb may interfere with other medications and can decrease your heart rate. It is recommended to avoid consuming this drug if you are suffering from liver disorder or are about to be subjected to anesthesia.
Massage Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease
Frustration and anxiety may be an associated symptom of Alzheimer's disease as people are unable to communicate or cope up with the spoken language. It may be helpful to use massage or touch as a part of nonverbal communication. It was speculated that people who got massages often showed lower pulse rates and did not involve themselves in any ambiguous behavior. Professionals are under an impression that massage not only helps in relaxing the muscles, but is also a kind of social interaction.
Music Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease
Music therapy uses music to heal and calm the senses. This cannot reduce or reverse dementia. It may, however, improve the quality of living of a person who is suffering from Alzheimer's diseases. There are evidences which show that this therapy can relieve the mind from stress and keep it stable at all times. It also elevates the production of certain brain chemicals that are necessary for sleeping and easing anxiety.
Natural Remedies for Treating Alzheimer's Disease
- Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a form of healthy and necessary fat. It helps in restoring the nerve lining, which facilitates the communication in the brain and improve its functioning in an unusual way.
- Turmeric in Curries: Evidences have shown that curcumin, which is found in turmeric can be used in preventing Alzheimer's disease. This itself explains why India has lower rates of people who are suffering from AD.
- Ginger is used for stimulating poor appetite. Drinking ginger tea or chewing a mixture of ginger, salt and lime juice can help in increasing thirst as well as appetite
- Lemon oil: Mix a few drops of peppermint or lemon oil in warm water and breathe in. This can help in alleviating depression and lethargy that is often associated with AD.
- Basil can be mixed with Sage in a cup of warm water to relieve the depression.
- Baking soda forms a part of every home's kitchen and is known to be the best remedy. A mixture of salt and baking soda can be used instead of toothpastes that are available in the market. This helps because it does not have aluminium that is found in other toothpastes which are available in the market.
- Meal supplements: Such canned meals can be easily consumed as they are equipped with minerals and vitamins.
- Sesame, Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds can be used as a pastime snack as they are full of fatty acids, which improve the brain functioning.
- Ayurveda has identified the perks of using sesame oil. Alzheimer's sufferers are often struck with depression and a few drops of warm sesame oil in the nostrils may relieve it.
- Vinegar: Like all other home remedies, Vinegar can be used for many functions. During the sufferers of Alzheimer's disease, lose the ability to control their urination, vinegar can be used to help with the hygiene.
- Vitamin A: Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene and are a safer way to fill the body with Vitamin A. When the body is deficient in Vitamin A, it can affect memory and nerve health tremendously. Consuming supplements of Vitamin A may give rise to toxicity.
- Vitamin C: An anti-oxidant which renders protection to the nerves of the brain. Citrus fruits are loaded with this vitamin. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, peppers and leafy vegetables including some berries have a rich amount of C-Vitamin.
- Fatty Acids are essential for better brain functioning and fish is considered to be a rich source of it. It is advisable to include fish in the diet at least two times a week. Fishes like anchovies, salmon, light tuna, salmon, lake trout and sardines can be a good choice for flushing the body with fatty acids. Fishes that are high in mercury content must be ditched and these include swordfish, king mackerel, shark and tile fish.
- Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Swiss chard, Kale along with all the other leafy vegetables are rich in folic-acid as well as may help in stimulating the cognitive function as well. Beets, Brussels sprouts, and legumes also have sufficient quantities of folic acid.
- Consuming Orange juice alternatively is also a great way to improve your intake of Vitamin C. You should never mix it with aspirin. When this is done, it can result in formation of aluminium nitrate, which is five times more body-absorbent than normal aluminium.
- Soy Protein contains isoflavones that may help in protecting post-menopausal women from suffering with Alzheimer's disease. Use tofu instead of cream cheese and ricotta in your diet. Try tofu frozen treats, soy meat substitutes, and soy milk over cereal.

Homeopathic Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease
Homeopathy can interfere with the development of this disease and ease its symptoms as well. However, there is no single remedy for the disease and several remedies in combination may be used.
- Alumina has proved to be an outstanding remedy for treating depression in people who are afraid of losing their mind. They are often confused with their own identity and may have associated mood swings as well. Such people are always in haste and are constipated as well as chilly at times.
- Baryta Carb is found to be effective in treating those patients who have relapsed into childish behavior. They may often lack confidence; shy, timid and fearful as well show some memory loss. Some might also suffer from chronic glandular disorders.
- NatrumSulf can help in relieving the symptoms that are stuck with events from the past that disturb their mind. They often feel sad, aloof and can be associated with self pity feeling as well. Such sufferers have painful joints and headaches.
- Nux Vomica is prescribed to patients who are quarrelsome, angry and insensitive. They can easily become hurt or feel insulted when someone is mean to them but they can be very insensitive to others.
The above-mentioned remedies are clearly understood and listed. They have shown some significant changes and improved the lifestyle of the people who are suffering from AD. The patients should, however, not treat them and it is recommended to consult a physician who is aware of the associated medications in Alzheimer's disease.
Lifestyle Changes for Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
The following lifestyle changes may alter the behavior of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease in a positive way:
- Going for a long walk with a trustworthy friend or a caregiver can help in improving the communication skills and stabilize the brain extensively.
- Symptoms like wandering and insomnia can be treated using the bright light therapy.
- Music: The brain cells can be boosted, reduce wandering and improve the behavior of a sufferer in a positive way.
- Pets can also help in improving the behavior.
- Exercises along with relaxation training can help in focusing or gaining attention as well as be socially active. It can also help one in performing various tasks easily.
In USA, the Alzheimer's Association started the Safe Return Program, which supports wallet cards, identification bracelets and clothing labels for the Alzheimer sufferers. All the information is stored in the database and the dignitaries can use them to locate a person when he or she is missing.
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Original article and pictures take www.epainassist.com site
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