Welcome to “Lunch and Learn!”
Lunch and Learns are a great way to conveniently learn a little something new during your lunch break. Typically they last about 45-60 minutes and are presented via webinar, live discussion, recording or video.
Today’s lunch and learn will be presented via a prerecorded video I did with my friend Robin Green, L.Ac. from Acupuncture Pediatrics.
Robin and I had a great time chatting about acupuncture, kids and life. I love talking with her.
As you know, Robin uses AcuGraph as a diagnostic tool in her clinic for kids. She is very comfortable using needles on kids, but she also knows that not EVERY child she works with is going to LOVE needles!
Here is what Robin has to say about Laser Acupuncture and the Stimplus Pro microcurrent device:

During this Lunch and Learn session, Robin Green is interviewing ME. Among other things, you’ll learn how to:
- Effectively use lasers to impress kids
- Use the Stimplus Pro microcurrent device to easily find points and simply treat on infants and kids
- How to tune into Chi, even when you are using these devices
- How to decide which one to buy if you can only pick one
Make sure you watch the Lunch and Learn all the way through!
Loved what you saw? Our detailed Acupuncture Technology and Kids video training will teach you HOW TO use AcuGraph and our other tools for pediatrics. Want to get a head start? Be sure and check out our essential tools for Pediatric Acupuncture (Aka: Stimplus Pro, Lasers AND AcuGraph).
Thanks for joining me for our Lunch and Learn. I’d love to have suggestions regarding subjects you would like to see in future sessions. Leave a quick comment below and tell me what you want. My goal is to provide information that will help make YOU a better practitioner.
This is going to be really FUN!
Until next time~

Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac.
Acupuncture Research Analyst
Miridia Technology
Original article and pictures take www.miridiatech.com site
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