It is so easy to think that Japanese Acupuncture is just for sprains and pains. People get this mistaken impression because they only talk to other people who have suffered from these conditions and been treated with acupuncture.
The reality is that Japanese Acupuncture is a very versatile form of gentle, natural healing and the range of health conditions that it assists with are very diverse in nature, duration and severity.
When looking through my case histories, I can cite many diverse cases where I have been able to assist through Japanese Acupuncture:
- A male who suffered from severe gout that created a swollen knee and constant, excruciating pain – achieved a relatively pain-free state
- An elite swimmer suffering from exhaustion and resultant dejection – able to resume training with renewed energy and improved performance
- A woman who underwent acupuncture treatments to assist her pregnancy and child birth – acupuncture acknowledged as a contributor to rapid birth of a healthy child
- A male surfer bed-ridden from a severe attack of debilitating Bharma Forest Fever – able to surf within two seeks of acupuncture treatment with resultant loss of headaches and easing of pain from swollen joints
- A member of a band suffering from food poisoning and attendant health issues such as severe diarrhea and lethargy – able to perform as the band drummer one hour after a gentle acupuncture treatment and able to travel and perform overseas as a result of a full recovery within a few days
- A young woman suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – able to regain her energy and strength with acupuncture treatment over a few months.
- A young boy in Prague suffering from Cerebral Palsy – after one Japanese Acupuncture treatment reacted very positively and smiled a lot, began drinking a lot and began to open his hands.
The work of my former student/assistant from Chile, Sylvia, now a very competent practitioner, brings the versatility of acupuncture into further light. Sylvia offered free Japanese Acupuncture to victims of the 2010 Chilean Earthquake and was able to help them with acupuncture treatments for health conditions such as panic attacks, sleeping disorders, anxiety, muscle aches and pains, headaches and stomach disorders. Sylvia was delighted with the very positive physical and emotional response from the men, women and children she treated. She expressed deep gratitude for being able to use the healing power of Japanese Acupuncture for treating fellow Chileans who had suffered such devastation. She felt that as a practitioner she was privileged to have access to the inherent logic of the Japanese Acupuncture approach and the thousands of years of clinical practice that underpins this natural therapy.
Japanese Acupuncture can redress many health conditions because of its versatility. It’s gentle approach makes it very suitable for treating children as well as adults. We encourage you to contact us to see how we can improve your health and well-being through Japanese Acupuncture.
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