Original article and pictures take singlemindedwomen.com site
четверг, 29 октября 2015 г.
Original article and pictures take singlemindedwomen.com site
среда, 14 октября 2015 г.
Singapore zoo heals animals with herbs, acupuncture
SINGAPORE (Reuters Life!) - Acupuncture for a limping elephant? Herbal tea for a constipated orangutan? The Singapore Zoo has tried it all, and it works.
Around 200 animals, including giraffes, elephants, horses, pythons and sea lions, have successfully been treated with acupuncture and traditional herb-based Chinese medicine in the past decade, although Western medicine remains the first line of treatment in the zoo.
“The Western medicine did not always work, so we had to find other solutions,” Oh Soon Hock, a senior veterinarian at the zoo told Reuters on Friday.
Earlier this week the zoo received a S$30,000 ($19,700) grant for further research into traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for animals from a Singapore-based firm that produces
Oh -- who was trained in Western veterinarian medicine but also studied Chinese medicine -- said this sort of healing is typically used after Western medicine fails to produce results.
He said an orangutan who had received modern medication for constipation for more than a year recovered after drinking an ancient Chinese brew of herbs, ground and dissolved in its honey drink, for just one week.
The zoo has also used acupuncture to reduce the swelling around the fractured leg of a sedated cheetah.
Treating an elephant with acupuncture requires some industrial-size needles to pierce its 2.5 centimeter (one inch) thick hide and sometimes through 15 centimeters of muscles.
The custom-made stainless steel needles are 15 to 20 cm long and 0.6 mm (0.024 inch) thick, Oh said.
“We use stainless steel needles because they bend but won’t break,” Oh said, adding that the needles need to pierce through the hide and muscles to get close to the bones for the treatment to be most effective.
Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese treatment, stimulates blood circulation by sticking needles at specific points of the body through which the body’s energy flows.
According to Chinese medicine, the blood carries “qi”, or body energy, that flows along pathways through the body. Acupuncture stimulates the blood by stimulating the “qi”.
Original article and pictures take s3.reutersmedia.net site
пятница, 2 октября 2015 г.
Simple Techniques to Unblock Your Chakras

Chakra healing is a science that has been around for hundreds of years and is finally making a comeback in modern medicine. Trending all through blogs, Pinterest and even The Dr. Oz Show, many are looking to learn as much as they can about their Chakras in order to promote healing in their bodies and overall healthy living.
But with so much information out there on all seven Chakras, how to actually get started can seem overwhelming. Because of that, I created a very simple and easy-to-use daily cleansing process.
Now you can stop searching through endless articles and jump right into full body healing! Read on to learn which of your Chakras are blocked and what you can do to fix it.
What Are the Chakras?
Chakras are located down our back from the top of our head to the base of our spine. The word Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel. These wheels are the seven centers in our body through which all energy flows. If any Chakra is blocked, then energy cannot flow freely, thus disrupting our body’s natural flow, causing emotional and physical ailments.
The seven Chakras are, from the bottom, the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra.
Each of these Chakras is directly related to a part of the body and thus affect our overall health. From our digestive system to our fertility to our intuition, it is vital to keep these energy wheels clear and open to allow our body to function as it was designed.
Various things can block our Chakras. The most common are diet, negative thoughts, stress, and sedentary lifestyle. By implementing just a few simple changes in our lives, we can easily unblock all seven of our Chakras and drastically improve our physical and emotional well-being.
Which of Your Chakras are Blocked?
Obviously, the first step to healing any ailment is to determine where the problem lies. The same is true for blocked Chakras. Before we can focus on unblocking specific Chakras, we need to figure out which wheels are blocked. You may discover that many are blocked or you might find you only have one or two that need clearing. In order to recognize which, if any, of your Chakras are blocked, take a look at the list below.
Decide if any symptoms describe you. If so, note the Chakra with which the symptom is associated. Those are the areas you should focus on unblocking.

Physical Symptoms: Painful period, Infertility
Emotional Symptoms: Low sex drive, Creative block
Physical Symptoms: Poor digestion, Low blood sugar
Emotional Symptoms: Low self-esteem, Lack of willpower
Physical Symptoms: Heart disease, High blood pressure
Emotional Symptoms: Lack of empathy, Fear of intimacy
Physical Symptoms: Thyroid problem, Sore throat
Emotional Symptoms: Can’t express feelings, Heart and mind are disconnected
Physical Symptoms: Headaches, Hormonal imbalance
Emotional Symptoms: Poor intuition, Depression
Physical Symptoms: Poor sleep habits
Emotional Symptoms: Difficult to meditate, Bodily disconnect
Simple Steps to Unblock Your Chakras
Now that you know which Chakras you need to focus on, it is time to take action and cleanse them with the simple steps I explain in my 7 day eCourse, Daily Chakra Cleansing.
In it you will find:
A quick overview of the Chakra system
Checklists to determine in minutes which of your Chakras are blocked
Easy-to-implement unblocking techniques to add to your daily routine
Basic exercises to improve overall health
Affordable dietary additions for any lifestyle
Downloadable Chakra Cleansing Cheat Sheet and so much more!
For less than the price of a meal, you will receive this eCourse right to your inbox with everything you need to know to achieve whole body wellness.
It also includes a downloadable Chakra Cleansing Cheat Sheet!
After you sign up, you will receive an email confirming your purchase. You will then be automatically enrolled in the 7 day eCourse, where you will receive an email once a day from Jennifer Soldner for the duration of the course.
If you do not receive an email after sign-up, please check your spam folder and then contact us for assistance.

Original article and pictures take site