среда, 26 января 2011 г.

Ayurvedic Dincharya – Ideal Daily Routine

Ayurvedic Dincharya – Ideal Daily Routine

In Sanskrit the daily routine is called the Dinacharya. Ayurveda recommends that in order to be optimally healthy we should tune our bodies to the nature’s master cycle which in turn regulates the various other rhythms.

Everyday two cycles of change pass through us, each bringing a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha predominance.

The approximate times of these cycles are as follows:

First cycle:

6 A.M. to 10 A.M. – Kapha

10 A.M. to 2 P.M. – Pitta

2 P.M. to 6 P.M. – Vata

Second cycle:

6 P.M. to 10 P.M. – Kapha

10 P.M. to 2 A.M. – Pitta

2 A.M to 6 A.M. – Vata

Considering the above cycles the ideal schedule should be like this :


Time to wake up: A healthy person should get up two hours before sunrise. During this hours the Vata element is dominant. Waking up two hours before dawn you utilize the Vata qualities in the nature. Vata is light, subtle and clear and this helps in tuning the body to the delicate messages the nature sends. This is the time when there is the most sattva in the air. It is the most fresh and pure time of the day. Some exceptions to this rule of rising are the very young, the old, parents with small children, and people with fevers or diarrhea.

Elimination: Drinking a glass or two of warm water helps in the elimination.

As soon as possible empty your colon and bladder. If you wait until later in the morning or during the day you are slowly poisoning yourself and creating an opportunity for chronic conditions to arise.

Cleaning of Senses: Wash the eyes with water. Preferably use rose water and Triphala to purify the sight.

Brush the teeth and scrape the tongue with a tongue cleaner to purify your mouth and sense of taste. Ayurveda considers the coating of the tongue as an indicator of ‘Ama’ or toxins in the colon.

Gargle with warm water or herbal tea to purify your voice and strengthen your teeth.

Finally do Jal neti and put a little oil in your nose to purify the sinuses and your sense of smell. The traditional Dinacharya also recommends that you inhale the smoke of medicinal herbs every morning to purify the mind, head, face, neck and lungs.

Massage: Abhyanga is the name for oil massage with sesame oil. This is typically a self massage. It is one of the main ways that Ayurveda keeps us strong and prevents us from aging.This massage need not be long and cumbersome. Massaging the Scalp, forehead, temples , hand and feet for about 5 minutes is sufficient

Exercise: Vyayama is the name for physical exercise. This is usually some Yoga postures and breathing exercises(Pranayam) but it can be anything including a walk, a swim, sun salutes or whatever. This early morning exercise removes stagnation in the body mind, strengthens the digestive fire, reduces fat and gives you an overall feeling of lightness and Joy as it fills your body with good Prana. It is not to be strenuous. In fact, exercising at one fourth to one half of your capacity is recommended.

Bathe: After exercise bath to remove any excess oil and dirt. Both showers and bathtubs are recommended in the classics. Usually warm water baths are suggested. Put on clean clothing after the bath

Meditation: For a few minutes to an hour sit down and see who you really are, put your attention towards Awareness. This is the most important aspect of Dinacharya. Simply be quiet, sit in Peace

Breakfast: This should be warm, nourishing and wholesome

Study / Work : Do what you do from now until noon.


Lunch: It should be taken early between 12 and 1 P.M. this coincides with the peak Pitta period, Pitta is responsible for the digestion. Ayurveda recommends that the lunch should be the largest meal of the day. After the meal it is good to take a little walk, a couple hundred steps only, to help the food digest.

Sciesta: Anything more than a short nap should be avoided because sleeping in the day is prohibited in Ayurveda.

Study / Work : Do what you do from now until supper.


Sundown is a special time of balance between day and night. In this balance it is easier for your mind to stop long enough so that you can see your Self. This is the time for evening prayers and meditations in many cultures around the world.


It should be taken around 7 P.M. It should be lighter than the lunch. The dinner should be at least three hours before bedtime as gives the body ample time to digest the food. Sleeping just after the dinner with a heavy stomach is not conducive to a sound sleep.

Walk to aid digestion for about 10 – 15 minutes.

Ease: From dinner to bedtime just take it easy. Spend time with family, read, and relax.


Go to sleep around 10 P.M. so that you can get 6 to 7 hours of sleep before 4:30 am. A good practice is to massage the soles of your feet with a calming oil before going to bed. This will calm your system and promote well being.

And remember to take your Triphala before sleep.

One should try to keep the routine as close to the recommended Dincharya as possible. The body might resist the change for a first few days but if you do manage to persist then you are bound to get rewarded with a much healthier and satisfying life.

Original article and pictures take www.corespirit.com site

среда, 12 января 2011 г.

Ayurveda’s 8 Aspects Of Healthy Food + Sanskrit Terms

Ayurveda’s 8 Aspects Of Healthy Food + Sanskrit Terms


Ayurveda's 8 Aspects Of Healthy Food + Sanskrit Terms

Nowadays people forget the basic principles of healthy food. Due to a lack of information or incorrect information about healthy food many lifestyle diseases are taking place.

Ayurveda strongly believes the reason for all disease lies within our digestive process. What we eat reflects upon our body and mind.

Healthy food is considered in Ayurveda to be the best medicine. Poor digestion (koshtha) is considered the primary origin or causative factor for nearly all disease.

So how do we determine what is healthy food? Healthy food is dependent upon many things.

Below are Ayurveda’s eight important aspects of healthy food. These are known as ahara vidhi visheshayatana.

The Basic Principles Of Healthy Food

1. Digestibility

The nature of the food or it’s quality is known as Prakruti.

Depending on whether the food is easily digestible or not, food can be classified as heavy or light in quality. Meat is heavy for digestion while rice and vegetables are light. This is the basic nature of the food. While eating we must take this into consideration.

2. Preparation

How food is prepared or processed is known as Karana.

Generally, cooked food is better for nutrition. Some food substances like fruit or even salads are better taken as uncooked. Food cooked on natural wood or a coal fire tends to have better taste than food cooked with electricity or gas. Microwave cooking destroys prana or life-energy in the food.

Processing includes other methods like roasting, frying, baking, drying, churning etc. and depending on the method of the process can actually change the qualities of the food. Food becomes either more light or heavy for digestion.

3. Combination

Food combination is known as Samyoga.

While preparing food the ingredients must be compatible and properly mixed together. The combination of vegetables and ghee or butter are considered healthy food. The ghee nourishes and lubricates, assisting in the digestion of the vegetables.

Sour fruits eaten with milk produces a curd and is difficult to digest. This is poor food combining and incompatible ingredients.

4. Quantity

Rashi means quantity.

While eating one has to consider the individual ingredient quantity as well as the total quantity of the food that is consumed.

Here again we have to consider the heavy and light qualities of the substances that are taken. The quantity of food depends on your digestive fire. There is no fixed criteria for the amount of food according to age, sex, race, etc. However, parigraha takes into consideration the quantity of each item and sarvagraha means the total quantity to be consumed.

5. Environment

Desha means place or environment.

Ayurveda has divided place into three types: marshy, arid, and normal. Consider the environment in relation to temperature and cold climate conditions. Ultimately, food must be eaten in a place which is clean. If the surroundings where one eats are good and sattvic (pure), then the food is better absorbed and has good and beneficial effects upon the body and mind. This is healthy food.

6. Timing

Kala means time or period.

Timing is everything. Only when the previous meal has been properly digested should you consider eating the next meal. Change the type of food as well as the quantity and quality of food in accordance to seasonal changes. Take the main meal between 10am and 2pm which is pitta time, the optimal time for digestion.

7. How You Eat

Upyoga Samastha – rules for eating.

Food ideally should be consumed while it is hot. This will naturally increase the digestive fire. Likewise, meals must be taken in a relaxed, calm and cheerful atmosphere. One should not eat when one is nervous, angry, anxious or in a disturbed state of mind.

Similarly, eating too slowly or too rapidly along with eating while talking, laughing, thinking or watching television is not advisable. It is better if we concentrate on the food only with the thought that this food is going to benefit both the body and mind. Smoking or drinking too much water or any other liquid after eating is also not advisable.

Make Eating Healthy Food A Ritual

It is recommended to take a shower and wear clean clothes prior to cooking. Our guest is God. Therefore, food should first be served to him and then children. Chanting of mantras and offering a prayer to God is always advisable knowing that blessed food will always nourish both the body and mind.

8. You!

Upbhokta means ‘person who takes the food’.

Every person must take into consideration his own constitution, capacity of digestive power, the season, time of day, and whether the previously taken food has been digested or not.

Photo: Unsplash.com

Original article and pictures take ayurvedanextdoor-ayurvedanextdoor.netdna-ssl.com site